It was so happy yesterday and today !

because we went to friends' home and played game with them

at first, we didn't want to sleep at their house

but I should say that the sun always lies us everyday.

for example, we are eating our dinner at 7 or 8 clock everyday, but

the sun is still very huge as in the morning ^^"

because of the reason, we played too late that we choose to stay and sleep there

and today is canada's day which likes our 10/10

a very big festival

there are a lot of free concerts, activities and firework

and we take the bus to go to B.C university

only one word can discribe the school "big"

oh my god, how huge it is....

and we went to Canada Place that hold some activities

this was the first festival we joined in Canada

tomorrow we'll plane to go to stanly park, a famous park.

but now I should go to take a shower

see you guys~~


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